Bambinos Child Care LLC, Family Values - Quality Care 83 Pineland Drive, Suite 101 New Gloucester, Maine 04260 207-688-8088
Bambinos, Maine's Best Childcare Services Contact Bambinos Childcare Services About Bambinos, Maine's Best Childcare Services Bambinos Childcare Curriculum Bambinos Childcare Policies Bambinos Childcare News Working at Bambinos Childcare
Admission to Bambinos ChildcareEnrollment in Bambinos ChildcareRates and Payment for Bambinos ChildcareBambinos Childcare Operations
About Bambinos Child Care Services


Arrivals and Departures


Holidays, Vacations, and Workshop Days

Meals and Snacks

Quiet and Rest Time

Toys from Home

Behavior Management

Field Trips and Transportation

Potty Training

Health and Illness

Child Abuse Reporting



Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 5:30 pm

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Signing In/Out

Parents must sign their child/children in and out each day using the log at the front door.

Drop Off/Pick Up

Please accompany your child into the playroom after signing them in, and pick them up in the playroom before signing them out.

Authorized Parental Substitutes: Occasionally, you may need someone other than yourself to drop off or pick up your child. You must notify that person of the Arrival/Departure procedure, and you must notify Bambinos that a substitute will be there instead of you. Anyone taking your place for pick-up should be listed on your Registration form. If they are not, we require written authorization from you before we release your child. This is for the protection of your child and Bambinos.

Questions and Concerns: Though we are very open to any questions or concerns you may have about your child, drop-off and pick-up times are not the best times to discuss these concerns in depth. Instead, please feel free to phone us in the evenings when we are able to give you undivided attention.

Separation Anxiety: Some children have difficulty separating from parents in the morning or from Bambinos when it’s time to go home. This is normal. Please be very brief (no more than five minutes) when departing. The longer you prolong departure, the harder it gets. A smile, a cheerful good-by kiss, and a reassuring word that you’ll be back are all that is needed in the morning. Children nearly always get involved in activities as soon as their parents leave.

We recommend leaving your child with family photos or other familiar, comforting objects to help ease your child’s anxieties, especially their first week.

Please do not leave without telling your child goodbye. Separation anxiety is often closely tied to fears of abandonment. It is important that they know you will return at a designated time. We do not suggest that you “sneak out” — this will only add to your child’s anxiety.

Boundaries Testing: Drop-off and pick-up times, when two different authority figures are present (the parent and Bambinos), are times when children will test to see which rules apply. During these times, we ask parents to back up Bambinos’ rules; otherwise, we will correct misbehavior accordingly.

Safety: Please control your child during arrivals and departures. Please do not let your child leave Bambinos until you are leaving. Children are not permitted to go outside unattended.

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Schedule changes

Please pre-arrange changes to your schedule with Bambinos at least 24 hours in advance, if possible. If you do not inform Bambinos in advance of a child’s early arrival or tardiness, we may not be able to accommodate the change. In this event, you must assume responsibility for your child’s care for the day, with no refunds.

Off-Schedule Drop-Offs

Never leave your child at Bambinos alone, if there is no one here to receive them.


Please be courteous and notify Bambinos if your child will be absent for the day. Two consecutive no-shows/no-calls are grounds for immediate termination of childcare, with two-weeks tuition due.

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Bambinos will close for holidays, vacation, and workshop days. Parents are responsible for making other arrangements for childcare during these times. Bambinos will do its best to provide references for other childcare providers who may be available.


Bambinos will close to observe the following holidays. Regular tuition payment is expected for these days.

    • New Years Day
    • Presidents Day
    • Martin Luther King Jr. Day
    • Memorial Day
    • Independence Day (full week shutdown)
    • Labor Day
    • Columbus Day
    • Veterans Day
    • Day Before Thanksgiving
    • Thanksgiving Day
    • Day After Thanksgiving
    • Christmas Eve
    • Christmas Day
    • Day After Christmas
    • Days Between Christmas Break and New Year’s Day (to sanitize the center)

To observe holidays falling on Saturday, Bambinos will close the Friday before; to observe holidays falling on Sunday, we will close the following Monday.

Vacation Days — Bambinos

Bambinos closes every year for vacation during Independence Day week.

Vacation Days — Parents and Children

Please notify Bambinos at least two weeks in advance, if your child will be absent for a family vacation. Full payment is required for any days that your child is absent and must be made before the scheduled leave. This payment is to reserve your child’s childcare slot.

Workshop Days

State and federal laws require a certain number of hours be set aside for ongoing education in the field, we are using workshop days to clean the building, invite speakers, review CPR and First Aid, and explore updated techniques and materials in the childcare field.

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Our meal schedule is as follows:

Morning Snack: 9:00 - 9:30
Lunch: 11:45 - 12:15
Afternoon Snack: 3:30 - 4:00

Children are encouraged but not pressured to finish their food.

If your child will not arrive until after a scheduled mealtime, please feed them before they arrive.

If your child requires a specific diet, we will need a physican's written instructions.

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Children under the age of five are required by Maine law to have a rest period while at daycare. Our rest period is from 12:00 to 2:30 pm.

To avoid disturbing children who are napping, please do not visit, drop-off, or pick-up children during this time. If you must pick up your child during quiet time, please notify us in advance so that we may wake your child and have them ready for your arrival.

Bambinos provides a quiet place, a mat, and a blanket for each child. We provide a crib for children under the age of 18 months. We do not provide pillows.

If your child has a special stuffed animal, doll, or blanket that they sleep with, they may use them during rest time. These items will be put away during the rest of the day.

Children who do not fall asleep or who wake early will be directed to quiet activities that do not disturb other sleeping children.

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One or two security items (a blanket or stuffed animal) may be brought for quiet time, and when programming permits, children may be invited to bring in a toy for "show and tell."

Otherwise, we ask that children do not bring toys from home. If they do, such items will be put away safely until your child goes home. Bambinos encourages respect for others, and this includes sharing. Toys from home can be difficult for young children to share, and they also risk being lost or damaged.

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The State of Maine requires that parents be notified in writing of the disciplinary practices used while in care prior to admission.

Spanking or any other form of physical punishment is prohibited. Discipline shall not be associated with food, rest, or toileting. Children shall not be subjected to discipline that is severe, humiliating, or frightening. The goal of discipline is to help children see the sense in acting a certain way. This is a time-consuming effort, and it is important we remain realistic in the expectation of the behavior of each child. The child’s developmental age and stage must be taken into consideration.


The goal of Bambinos policies regarding discipline is to redirect inappropriate behavior using positive techniques. Some of these techniques include:

    • Developing with each child, the rules that are recommended for their developmental level.
    • Clarifying the consequences of disobeying rules before disobedience occurs.
    • Having age-appropriate expectations for children.
    • Giving a timeout for some types of inappropriate behavior.
    • Reinforcing appropriate behavior by praising or rewarding the child.
    • If your child is disrupting the classroom, or becomes overly aggressive, and time-out or redirection is not effective, you will receive a phone call and you will be expected to pick up your child within one hour.
    • If your child is sent home due to disruptive behavior twice within a three month period, further action up to and including termination of childcare may result.

One of the many roles of the Bambinos staff is to work together with parents to help children develop appropriate behaviors. Parents are invited and urged to discuss their concerns about their children's behavior to provide consistency in reinforcing behaviors.

Bambinos has facility rules to ensure safety, comfort and happiness for all. We like using positive discipline and guidance based on individual needs and development. When needed, brief supervised “time-outs” will be used. The child will remain at the provider’s side, (one minute for each year of age) or privileges will be removed.

Bambinos will be very direct in letting you know of problems as they arise. If there are any problems that concern you as a parent or the center, please discuss them with us openly and honestly. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.


Biting will not be tolerated and to ensure the safety of the children in care Bambinos will enforce a strict biting policy. If a child bites or begins to bite they will have two weeks to correct the aggressive behavior or childcare services will no longer be available.

Bambinos understands that biting in young children is typical in normal early-childhood development; however, we believe it is in the best interest of the children placed in care to set limits for aggressive behaviors such as biting that have the potential to harm others. Biting can occur for many different reasons such as:

    • Anger
    • Fear
    • Attention
    • Frustration
    • Teething
    • Reaction
    • Over Stimulation
    • Lack of Language
    • Curiosity

It is our goal to recognize triggers that cause biting and redirect a child before the incident occurs. In the event we are unable to intervene the following steps will take place:

    • The provider will first attend to the bitten child by comforting and then cleaning the bitten area with soap and water. Ice will be applied if bruising occurs.
    • The biter will be removed from the setting and, in an age-appropriate manner, will explain that the behavior is unacceptable: “Biting hurts,” or “We bite food, not people.” The biter will not be rewarded with extra attention.
    • The incident will be documented on an Accident/Incident form to be signed by the caregiver and the parent of the biter. The parent will receive a copy of the signed form, and the original will be placed in the child’s file.
    • Bambinos will not identify the biter to the parents of the bitten child and may not give out medical or other information on the biter per Maine Childcare Regulations.
    • The biter's parents will be asked to work with their child in discouraging the aggressive behavior.

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Field Trips and Transportation

Bambinos will be evaluating the feasibility of taking children on educational field trips in the near future.

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When you feel your child is ready for toilet training, we ask that you begin training at home during a weekend or vacation.

Bambinos will begin to help in training only after a week of successful training at home.

We will follow through and encourage your child while in care. Toilet training will be done in a relaxed manner with the cooperation of the family. We require that the child is at least two years of age and must also be showing signs of readiness (please see the Readiness Checklist). Positive reinforcement and consistency must be continued at home.

The child must be kept in pull-ups at all times. Please keep in mind that the activity level here can distract your child from responding to an urge to use the potty, more so than at your home. Therefore, we will continue to use diapers until your child can and will announce that they must use the bathroom and can control bladder and bowels movements for a few minutes beyond that announcement. It is required that parents supply pull-ups (or, if arranged with Bambinos, training pants and plastic cover) and a few extra changes of clothing.


Do not bring your child in panties or underwear without prior approval from Bambinos. Together, we will determine whether the child has naptime and bedtime control established. During potty training the child needs to be dressed in "user friendly" clothing as much as possible. The best items are shorts and pants with elastic waists. Please do not dress your child in the following items:

    • No tight clothing
    • No shirts that snap in the crotch
    • No pants with snaps and zippers
    • No overalls
    • No belts
    • No one-piece outfits

The clothes listed above can make it difficult for your child to reach the potty in time. Your child also needs to be able to pull his/her own pants up and down and these items will hinder your child’s ability to do so.


The following items are to be left at Bambinos and replaced as needed. Maine licensing requires that soiled clothing be returned in a plastic bag at the end of the day.

    • Three changes of clothing including socks (an extra pair of shoes if available)
    • A bag of Pull-Ups – you will be notified when the supply is running low


For the first week, the child will be scheduled to use the toilet at consistent times of the day whether the child indicates the need to use the toilet or not:

    • Before and after breakfast
    • Before and after lunch
    • Before and after nap
    • Before and after going outside
    • Upon arrival at the home
    • Just before going home

Readiness Checklist

Verbal Stages of Readiness:

    • Basic verbal skills: The child is able to speak in three- or four-word sentences
    • Stage 1: Tells you he/she has a wet diaper, recognizes when he/she is wet
    • Stage 2: Tells you he/she is wetting, recognizes the sensation of being wet
    • Stage 3: Tells you he/she will wet can control themselves and use the toilet

Physical and Psychological Signs of Readiness:

    • Stays dry for long periods of time (is able to "hold" urine and bowel movements)
    • Has bowel movements at regular times and deliberately as recognizable by caregiver
    • Recognizes when diaper is wet or soiled
    • Can undress and pull up pants (important because this is the work of the child, not the caregiver)
    • Initiates interest in using the toilet and asks to wear underwear
    • Wants to be independent (important for learning)
    • Is emotionally ready, open to learning, and generally cooperative
    • Has awareness and knowledge of the world beyond himself (a developmental stage related to children who are ready to use the toilet)
    • Can follow three- and four-step instructions (critical for learning to urinate or move bowels, wipe, flush, and then wash hands)
    • Can use consistent words or gestures to communicate
    • Is able to get to the toilet and sit on it without help
    • Shows willingness to sit on the toilet and understand its function

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Bambinos' Health and Illness Policy is strictly enforced.

Illness is always an issue in childcare settings. While we understand the needs of the parents, we must protect all children from contracting illness. We are guided by common sense and the following rules, and we trust parents will do the same.

We consider these rules to be guidelines; if we feel a child cannot fully participate in the program at Bambinos, we will notify a parent and ask them to pick up their child within one hour of our request.

Bambinos' medical consultant is Dr. Louis Hanson, D.O., 371 Tuttle Road, Cumberland, Me 04021.

Our health and illness policy will be provided to parents with their registration packet to be signed at the time of their childe's enrollment.

Stay at Home

For the protection of all children and staff, children should be kept home if they display any of the following or any other unusual symptoms. If a child has been knowingly exposed to any contagious disease, Bambinos should be informed two hours before the child arrives; we will need this time to contact all pregnant mothers.

If a child exhibits any unexplained rashes, complaints or ailments after arriving at Bambinos, we will notify parents and send the child home.

Temperature—Any child who has an elevated temperature of 101 degrees or higher will not be allowed at Bambinos until the fever is gone for 24 hours.

Vomiting—Any child who is vomiting will not be allowed at Bambinos until there is no presence of fever and no vomiting for 24 hours.

Diarrhea—Diarrhea can be caused by a variety of different germs, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Children can also have diarrhea without having an infection, such as when diarrhea is caused by food allergies or as a result of taking medications such as antibiotics. A child will be considered to have diarrhea when the bowel movements are both more frequent than usual (twice per hour) and looser and more watery than usual.

Any child who is experiencing diarrhea will not be allowed at Bambinos until symptoms have disappeared.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)—Conjunctivitis can be caused by bacterial or viral infections or by allergic reactions to dust, pollen and other materials. A child will be considered to have conjunctivitis when there is white or yellowish pus that accumulates in or around the eye.

Any child who has conjunctivitis will not be allowed at Bambinos until medication has been administered for at least 24 hours and there is no discharge from eyes.

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease—This is a common childhood illness caused by coxsackievirus A16. Infection may result in painful blisters in the mouth, on the gums and tongue, on the palms and fingers of the hand, or on the soles of the feet. The fluid in these blisters contains the virus and symptoms may last for 7-10 days. The virus can be passed through saliva from blisters in the mouth and through the fluid from blisters on the hands and feet.

Any child who has the disease will not be allowed at Bambinos until all blisters have opened and are dried, shall have no open sores in the mouth, and no presence of fever.

Fifth Disease—Fifth Disease, also called "slapped cheek disease," is an infection caused by parvovirus B19. Symptoms begin with a mild fever and complaints of tiredness. Within a few days, the cheeks take on a flushed appearance that looks like the face has been slapped. There could also be a lacy rash on the trunk, arms and legs. Fifth disease is believed to be spread through direct contact or by breathing in respiratory secretions from an infected person. Children with sickle cell anemia, chronic anemia, or an impaired immune system may become seriously ill when infected and require medical care. If a pregnant woman becomes infected, the fetus may suffer damage, including the possibility of stillbirth.

Any child who has fifth disease will not be allowed at Bambinos until there is no fever present and the child can comfortably participate in our program.

Impetigo—Impetigo is a skin infection usually caused by one of two types of bacteria. Impetigo appears as a blistery rash. When the blisters open, they produce a thick, golden-yellow discharge that dries, crusts and adheres to the skin. Impetigo is spread among children in close contact.

Any child who has impetigo will not be allowed at Bambinos until the blisters are gone, the rash is dry, and medication has been administered for at least 24 hours. Both oral antibiotics and antibiotic cream may be prescribed.

Chickenpox—Chickenpox is a very contagious disease caused by varicella zoster virus. A vaccine against chickenpox is now available. Symptoms begin with an itchy rash of small red bumps on the scalp that spreads to the stomach or back before spreading to the face. Patterns can vary from person to person. It is believed to be spread person to person when a susceptible person is exposed to respiratory tract secretions or directly to fluid from the open sores of an infected person. Chickenpox can also cause more severe health problems in pregnant women.

Any child who has chickenpox will not be allowed at Bambinos until all chickenpox blisters have formed scabs and there is no presence of fever and can comfortably participate in outdoor and indoor activities.

RSV, Respiratory Syncytial Virus—RSV causes infections of the upper respiratory tract (like a cold) and the lower respiratory tract (like pneumonia). It is the most frequent cause of lower respiratory infections, including pneumonia, in infants and children less than two years of age. RSV is highly contagious and is spread through direct contact with infectious secretions.

Any child who has RSV will not be allowed at Bambinos until they are comfortably able to participate in all activities and do not require a level of care that would jeopardize the health and safety of the other children in the classroom.

Strep Throat/Scarlet Fever—Strep Throat is easily spread and is caused by A Streptococcus bacteria. It is spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes contaminated droplets into the air and another person inhales them. A person can also get infected from touching these secretions and then touching their mouth or nose. Symptoms of strep throat may include severe sore throat, fever, headache and swollen glands. If not treated, strep infections can lead to scarlet fever, ear infections and pneumonia. Scarlet fever is characterized by a bright red, rough textured rash that spreads all over the child's body.

Any child who has strep throat/scarlet fever will not be allowed at Bambinos until the child has been on prescribed medication and had no fever for 24 hours from the first administered medication dose.

Head Lice—Head Lice are tiny insects that live primarily on the head and scalp. Lice are primarily spread through direct head to head contact. Sharing personal items such as hats, brushes, combs and linens may also play a role in the spread. Although small, adult head lice may be seen with the naked eye. Head lice suck blood and the rash caused by their feeding may be more noticeable than the insects themselves. Lice attach their eggs at the base of a hair shaft. These eggs, or nits, appear as tiny white or dark ovals and are especially noticeable on the back of the neck and around the ears. Adult head lice cannot survive for more than 48 hours apart from the human host.

Children with head lice will notify Bambinos immediately and be will not be allowed to attend until they have been treated with a medicated shampoo, rinse, or lotion developed exclusively for head lice. The child must be free of nits before readmission. Nits can be removed using a fine-toothed comb. The child must be checked daily for 10 days for any evidence of new infection.

Ringworm—Ringworm is a fungus infection of the scalp or skin. Symptoms include a rash that is often itchy and flaky. Ringworm on the scalp may leave a flaky patch of baldness. On other areas of the skin, ringworm causes a reddish ring like rash that may itch or burn. The area could be dry and scaly or moist or crusted. Ringworm is spread by direct contact with a person or animal infected with the fungus. It can also be spread indirectly through contact with articles (such as combs or clothing) or surfaces which have been contaminated with the fungus. A child is infectious as long as the fungus remains present in the skin lesion. The fungus is no longer present when the lesion begins to shrink.

Any child who has ringworm will not be allowed at Bambinos until treatment from pediatrician has begun and the infected area begins to shrink.

Thrush—Thrush is an oral infection that appears as creamy white, curd-like patches on the tongue and inside of the mouth. Outbreaks may be the result of increased antibiotic use. The infection can be passed through nasal and oral secretions.

Any child who has thrush will not be allowed at Bambinos until they have been treated with an antibiotic for at least 24 hours.


The #1 way to prevent the spread of germs is by thorough and frequent hand washing. Bambinos maintains the following handwashing rules:

Children’s Hands: Children's hands will be washed before eating, diaper changes, use of toilet, coming from inside or outside, coming in contact with sick children or running noses, completing messy projects, and any other time deemed necessary.

Caregiver’s Hands: Caregivers' hands will be washed before eating, preparing food, diaper changes, use of toilet, giving bottles, touching bodily fluids, and any other time deemed necessary.

Sanitation of Equipment and Toys

Equipment and toys are disinfected weekly. Surfaces are sanitized before and after each use. All surfaces that children may come in contact with are disinfected as needed. Toys and equipment that come in contact with bodily fluid are put out of reach until they can be properly sanitized.

Daily Health Check

Bambinos will check children each day for signs of illness or injury and ask parents if their children have had any medication or have been ill in the last 24 hours.

Medical Emergencies

In the event of a medical emergency, Bambinos will administer first aid, call an ambulance, follow instructions of emergency personnel, and notify parents or emergency contacts ASAP.

Parents are responsible for expenses incurred by emergency rooms, ambulances, physicians, etc.


Children who are put on medication must remain at home for 24 hours after their first dose. This allow the medicaiton to take effect, symptoms to subside, and any allergic reactions to become apparent. No exceptions will be made.

Under licensing rules and regulations, Bambinos can administer medications, prescription or non-presription, only when they are accompanied by a Permission to Administer Medication form.

Prescriptions (even samples) must be given to Bambinos in the original container and labeled as follows:

    • By the original pharmacy
    • With prescription name and number
    • With patient's name
    • With medication name
    • With expiration date
    • With physician's name
    • With directions for dosage
    • With date the prescription was brought to Bambinos

Non-prescription medication must be in the original container and labeled as follows:

    • With the original label
    • With child's name and age
    • Wiht the expiration date
    • With directions for dosage

If a child refuses to take medication, the parent will be notified and must come to administer the medication. Medication is to be given at home whenever possible, especially eye drops and nebulizing treatments.

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Bambinos is required by Maine law to report any incidences of suspected child abuse or domestic violence. Our first concern is child safety, and if we suspect a child has been subjected to abuse, we will file a report to authorities.

Bambinos will inform parents when a report is made, except in the case of reporting suspected sexual abuse, in accordance with State of Maine guidelines.

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