Bambinos Child Care LLC, Family Values - Quality Care 83 Pineland Drive, Suite 101 New Gloucester, Maine 04260 207-688-8088
Bambinos, Maine's Best Childcare Services Contact Bambinos Childcare Services About Bambinos, Maine's Best Childcare Services Bambinos Childcare Curriculum Bambinos Childcare Policies Bambinos Childcare News Working at Bambinos Childcare
Infant Childcare CurriculumPre-Toddler & Toddler Childcare CurriculumPre-School Childcare Curriculum
About Bambinos Child Care Services

Bambinos designs programs appropriate for Infants, Pre-toddlers and Toddlers, and Preschool age groups.

As your child grows and develops through the stages of infancy to preschool ages, begins to exhibit self-guided behavior, progresses from two naps a day to one, crawls and then walks, jabbers and then talks, we adjust our program to fit their needs and provide appropriate activities for socialization, fine and gross motor skills, and language development.

Our professional staff is dedicated to caring for children and helping them develop to their fullest potential. Our primary focus is to offer a quality childcare program by providing a safe and nurturing environment for children and their families.

Check Out These Parenting Tips! Talking to Toddlers: Dealing with the Terrible Twos and Beyond

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